Grace Lovejoy imagined the concept of Tat Bar back in 2010 when she opened her first airbrush tattoo studio. The idea was way ahead of its time and Grace knew it. In order for her concept to work she knew she would need thousands of airbrush tattoo stencil designs in her inventory. The technology for creating her hyper-realistic tattoo stencils did not come until 2012.
It was then that Grace began laser engineering the stencils that comprises Tat Bar’s massive collection of pre-made designs available to our customers. The real story is about how Grace managed to do this by working on some of the most popular TV shows (Euphoria) and Pop Stars (Taylor Swift and Halsey) in the world!
I have no problem testing my airbrush tattoo techniques on celebrities.
Grace’s dedication to her original goal, designing and engineering at least one stencil a day for over 13 years is a testament to her determination to bring Tat Bar Temporary Tattoo Shops to the masses
Grace continues to add to the collection and train artists at our Tat Bar Las Vegas studio.